Motherbyrd – a Motherboard for Microcontrollers

Providing flexible connectivity to rogue MCUs


Microcontrollers are cool but lame!

We want to change this!

Compatibility of Microcontrollers and Sensors: Voltage and Logic Levels

Compatibility between microcontrollers and sensors depends on two key factors related to their electrical characteristics: supply voltage and logic level.

IoT Hardware Connectivity

Microcontrollers are designed to only either run on 5V or 3.3V without being able to provide different logic levels for communication with potential periphery by default.

Programmable HW Interfaces

MCUs usually come equipped with “GPIOs” whereas the general purpose approach might be handy in early stage of development. However the typical MCU unit or board is not meant to be deployed in applications of daily use. Motherbyrd brings out programmable bus interfaces for professional appliances.

IO Serial Bus(es)

While MCUs offer serial buses like I2C or SPI, there is no easy way to connect multiple devices to that bus, especially with different supply and / or logic voltage levels of individual devices

HW / SW Design Considerations

The design is inspired by CPU motherboards where, despite involving a great level of highly specialized integrated circuits, hundreds of discrete components still are incorporated to achieve maximum interoperability between CPU and peripherals.

Why Motherbyrd?

Motherbyrd, the Motherboard for Microcontrollers helps makers to elevate the state of their prototype to a real- world appliance status.

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Move on from the old way of MCU application Development

  • Everything an Arduino- like board can do – Motherbyrd can do it better
  • Get rid of rats nests of cabling and abundance of peripheral modules